Sunday, 17 April 2016

Three sisters helping my soul

Beautiful surprise was 21 degrees and I was at the allotment clearing my new, additional plot. On March 26th, not that long ago, I was out with my camera taking pictures of trees encased in ice...Spring in Canada is like no season I have ever known.  Is the last of the snow behind us?  maybe,, we shall see.   But the sun and the warmth is so uplifting.

I went out earlier this morning, wearing my new fit bit.  A gift from my husband after his recent trip to the UK.  I hadn't asked for one but small persons logic rings true " you're fat and you need to get fit". Turns out that husband had treated himself to a new beeps when the air pressure changes. Invaluable!  I suspect the purchase of my Fitbit was cover fire for that sneaky sojourn into retail heaven.

So, I went out earlier...I drove to the fast food restaurant to get a butter smothered egg muffin..mmmmm! But everywhere there were people.  Walking, jogging, mountain biking, motor biking.  That sums up Canadians for me...first bit of decent weather and everyone is outdoors. Love it!

Everyone that is except small person who is still in bed watching teenagers play FIFA on their xbox's.  He is a very social child who loves to play out, but he also has this 1970s approach to Sunday's which is to do nothing much and stare at a screen. Roll back 40 years and that would have been me watching Jack Hargreaves and his dog visiting country fairs and horse sales.  Was it great TV? No. Was it the only program on TV on a Sunday morning?  Yes.

So, up at the allotment yesterday - caught up with friends. It's all change in the leadership, new methods of composting are being muted. Water is being discussed.  I walk a fine line between escaping the need to think and getting involved in the work of the place.  I really just want brain peace this year I think.  I emailed the nice neighbour who grows the food for the food back to see if her tractor guy would till my plot, and serendipity saw me asking her just before she was calling him.  Happy days if he can help as that will save me 10 hours of labour.

So why an additional plot, given that my current queendom is 6 times the size of everyone else's?  Well, it was there, orphaned, and I want to find a way to engage small person in some basic life skills, like growing and eating.  He learnt about the pioneers this year, who came to Ontario mostly from Europe and were educated by the First Nation folks in how to farm in this soil. They used a Three Sisters method where you plant climbing bean, squash and sweet corn in the same spot. The corn supports the bean and the squash keeps down the weeds.  I tried it once in the UK but the climate wasn't what was needed.  Given that this is where folks did this as the norm we're giving it a go.

Also I plan to staycation on my allotment this summer.  Plans are underway for a second car, so that I can get out of the house.  Just looking at my Instagram account reminds me that I have been trapped inside for too long this least 6 months.  My husbands firm recently instigated a work at home day once a week, so more freedom there for me, as I can finish work on time once a week and head to the land whilst he's at home when small person gets in from school.

On my vision board for the last two years I had things like "all summer off" and "lengthy summer vacations" gotta be carefully what you wish for because it happens before you know it.  I have 2  solo art retreats on the books, plus a week north as a family in August and in the last week I found a deal on a cruise for the small person and I to the Caribbean.  Indulgent - of course. Exciting - very. Why? Because I am super tired everyday, likely working in a role that hinders more than helps me, so I need down time. Change jobs? Challenging as our being in Canada requires that I have this job. I like my work, I just think it's a bit toxic to my personality.  It's super busy, super crazy, super fast. I liken it to working on the stock but there comes a time when you need to slow down or burn out.

So the next month has us applying for residency, renewing visas, buying a car and completing endless tax forms. When you add all that up, having a rectangle of soil to play in makes perfect sense.


1 comment:

  1. You juggle so much Fiona and I really admire how you do this. Does applying for residency mean you are thinking about staying in Canada regardless of your current work position?
    I know exactly what you mean by having a plot of land to retreat to. Somehow being outdoors, working the land is so satisfying and nurturing to the soul. I had an allotment with my daughter and loved spending hours there with her and her 2 daughters. They are such happy memories and I hanker for a little bit of land to grow my own food now. I should look to my garden and work out how I can grow in a small space.
    Good for you booking retreats and a cruise. I too had a challenging and stressful job, that sucked me of energy and life sometimes. But it also fired me up and excited me. A conundrum. Eventually I decided it no longer worked for me and my days are still as packed and sometimes pressured but of my own making. Good luck with all the tax forms and necessities, and enjoy the allotment. I used to grow as naturally as possible too, the three sisters way sounds good to me and very soul searching in name.
