Sunday, 28 February 2016

How I found Squam

Sharing this story for anyone who believes in, or is looking for examples of, the universe listening and giving us what we sought.  As a romantic at heart I love to believe that is possible, but the Sheldon of my personality always chips in that what is actually happening is my unconscious mind responded to an articulated request.  Whatever!  If you state it, and plan it, it will happen I reckon.  So the story...

About 7 years ago my friend Louise Gale blogged about Squam. She shared photos, and stories and it looked amazing.  She was living in the USA at that time, a Brit abroad. I was a Brit at home, aged 40 with a new baby.  I loved what she wrote and whilst I loved my precious little man I envied her that opportunity to live the life she loved.  My journey to parenthood was over years of fertility treatment, so I also beat myself up a little for having the greatest treasure in the world and still wanting something more.  My clear memory is packing all of my art stuff into a large cupboard and joking to a friend that that  will be in there for 5 years.  As it goes, it was but that's not the story...

Role ahead to 2013 and a cold winters day in NYC. I had by now moved to Canada via work ( wish for it and it happens.  I thank Louise again for guiding me in dream boards and making dreams come true).

  I headed to the airport early as I hate to be late. Traffic was absent, lights were green and I got to Laguardia so early that they put me on standby for an earlier flight. At the risk of sounding provincial I had never been on standby was quite exciting.  I get on that flight, and sit next to a lady wearing a beautiful shawl. I unpack my essentials and settle down.  My essentials being a ball of yarn and a crochet hook.  The minutes I did that she burst out a laugh and said " I don't believe it".  Turns out she was commenting on the odds of sitting next to a fellow yarn nut. Over the course of the flight I learnt that she was high powered exec by day and an awesome sample knitter by night. Folks design patterns and she road tests them.  She gave me great tips about Toronto, my new home, and told me about Ravelry.  Who knew there was a on online community for knitting and such?

A few days later when I had time to stop and not think I checked out Ravelry and there was an icon for Squam...that thing that I had heard about over 5 years before but hadn't thought of since.  I checked it out, I signed up for Fall 2014. I had no means to pay for it and when It came to pay the balance I recall asking Elisabeth if there was a wait list so that some one else could take my spot.  That wasn't possible so I scratched around and found the money somehow and off I went.  It was amazing, and you can read about it in my blog under Squam, Calm and Slow.

So was that fate, serendipity, cognitive something or other? Don't care, it's a recipe for success I reckon. Stop, think, or stop and stop thinking, see what comes into your want it - ask for arrives.

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