Sunday, 31 January 2016

Things to know when visiting Canada from the UK

We are all very excited as Small Persons BFF is coming for a visit in 2 weeks time.  Coincidently her class is learning all about Canada this week, so we thought we'd offer up some translations to help her in both adventures.  Also yesterday, as I rummaged in my bag to find my purse I was reminded of the differencies in language.

I was in a shop paying a bill and as I rummaged I said " sorry, just need to find my purse". The girls pointed at my bag and said " but that's your purse".  "No, that's my bag.  Here's my purse".  "Really? Because to me that's your wallet".  " ha, men have wallets, girls have purses and bags"... So you see the fun that can be had moving to another English speaking nation.  I suspect the French to French here has similar nuances but I don't have those language skills to tell yet!

So, here is the helpful list:  from UK to Ontario English ( things may be different in other provinces)

A hat is a toque
A jumper is a sweater
Trainers are runners
A cuddly toy is a stuffie
A pussy cat is a kitty
Trousers are pants
Pants are underpants
Salopettes are snow pants
A bag is a purse
A purse is a wallet
A white coffee is coffee with milk
A biscuit is a cookie
A scone is a biscuit
Sweets are candy
Fizzy drinks are Pop
A swede is a rudebega
A cucumber is an English cucumber
A muffin is an English muffin
A Canada goose is a goose
Petrol is Gas
Gas is gas
An estate agent is a realtor
A chemist is a pharmacist
Cigarettes are smokes
Our car is a truck

Toilets are washrooms
Starbucks is Starbucks
Torches are flashlights
Crisps are chips
Chips are fries
Sledge is a sled
A manual car is a Standard
A queue is a line
Football is soccer
The car boot is a trunk
The car bonnet is a hood
The road is pavement
The pavement is the sidewalk
The head teacher is the principal
The deputy head is the vice principal
Play time is recess
The climbing frame is a playground
The back garden is the yard
The settee is the couch
Young people are called youth
Pudding is called dessert
Jelly is jello
Wool is yarn
Doughnuts are donuts
A tram is a streetcar
A spade is a shovel

If we got and wrong feel free to correct us in the comments below

1 comment:

  1. Great post, made me smile. Must say I prefer the words we use in UK!
