Monday, 30 June 2014

Venom or the Incredible Hulk?

Who'd win?  I say Hulk ( I always say Hulk, huge fan).  Apparently the answer is Venom "as he grows badder every day."  Good to know.  Filed that information to use later.

Day off tomorrow - Canada Day.  The street opposite ours is having a street party, huge flags draped accross the road.  Reminds me of the Queens Silver Jubilee when I was a kid, although needs more blue with the red and white.  Our plans include not getting up at 6am and at some point, in between storms, going to the allotment.

A Cheeter or the Incredible Hulk - who can jump higher?  I say Hulk.  No, a cheeter "cheeters can jump a million high"   Good to know.  Filed.

I was feeling homesick yesterday - saw lots of friends on facebook and was reminded of how long it is since I went out for a coffee or a drink; had a grown up meal; had a break.  As we drove up to the allotment small person and I chatted about England and missing friends...he misses his little bromance gang and the girls who liked him to chase them at playtime.  "Should we go back home?" I asked.  "Seriously Mom!  Oh my Gawd! no way".  So you like it here then?  Good.  What do you like best?  "MarineLand and in Grade 2 we get to go swimming as a lesson...from school in a building!" 

Who is the only superhero that can defeat Venom?  Hulk?  "no mum, I'll give you a clue, it begins with a SSSS"  Spiderman,  no.  Superman, no.  You're sure its not the Hulk?  "SSSSSSSSilver surfer, but he doesn't want to fight, so Venom just gets stronger."  Aha!

Small person and I are going camping on Sunday for 3 nights, in a Yurt.  It has a proper bed and electricity and is near both the showers and the childrens play area so hopefully we have all bases covered.  We spent a fun hour in Canadian Tire earlier buying stove, check, cooler, check,  enormous marshmallows, check, but we have eaten most of them already.  Also for $12 at the recycle shop we got plates, cups, cooking pots, barbeque tools.  We are good to go.  The Ipad is coming, but it will have a low profile and will only come out for car journeys to MarineLand and the Zip Line park (eeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkk). I have introduced a new regime for summer - "If you want 30 minutes on the ipad you have to draw one picture and write one sentence in your summer scrapbook".  This worked well on the first day, all be it that it took some explaining and rebuffing his attempt to renegotiate terms.  Now, on day three he doesn't want the ipad - great...but the journal?  Please write a sentence, keep your brain working.  Nope.  Hmmm!

I just asked him "Darth Vader or Venom?".  Venom.  "Why?"  Because he has webs, he can tie Vader up!  Obvious really when you think about it.

Happy Canada Day!

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