Earlier today small person went to a party...a pool party. Should I leave him or should I stay? He put his trunks on, jumped in the deep end which is 10 foot deep, and had to be dragged to the edge by the birthday boy. I stayed. "Harking but nah heeding" is the order of the day with him at the moment. I chatted with Mums as he splashed and sploshed for 3 hours. We talked about school stuff, as 3 of them are teachers. I learnt that I should be doing 30 minutes, reading, riting and rythmatic with him every night, in addition to homework. I had no idea. I learnt that spelling and grammar have been removed from the curriculum. When I told my husband that he used the f word. We have found the cost of moving to Canada...education.
I have bought the Child Whisperer on kindle - maybe whispering rather than shouting will get the small person to pay more attention...we shall see. I have read the first three pages but then I fell asleep for 2 hours. Introvert talking with strangers at pool party equals exhaustion. Another party tomorrow...this one is at Chuck e Cheese, which I have only heard about in movies. A friend tells me is is nasty pizza, watery wine and flat beer, but kids love it. My husbands Fathers Day treat is that he gets to stay home alone whilst we go to the party. What price respite?
Happy Fathers Day to my dad, home alone with the cats. Love you.
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