Tuesday, 11 March 2014

In phase 2 of holiday detox

On Spring break in the Blue Mountains, fantastic weather, glorious sunshine. When we arrived on Sunday it was icy cold with people skating on the mill pond. We had it all planned out...small person has snowboarding first thing then we chill watching a movie and take him skating the next day.  The sun had other ideas, the skating pond started to melt as the sun rose high in the sky.  Oh well!

Small person loved snowboarding yesterday but super loved skiing this morning. He was a little miffed that they wouldn't let him have snow poles, but we explained many times that they teach you to stop before they teach you to go, hmmm, not impressed with that. I spoke to his teacher this morning and it transpires that Small person, having watched the down hill at the Olympics, believes that to stop you swerve sideways and kick up a wall of snow.  They had to unteach him, and get him to pizza.  He is adamant that he was right because they did it in the Olympics, and "the Olympics is real mum".  The power of TV.  He took to skiing quicker than to snowboarding, but the latter is cooler so it may be a while before he finalizes his Olympic event for 2026.

They are showing movies at the hotel at the village...yesterday he and I saw Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2 which was surprisingly good.  Today he gets to go with daddy whilst I soak up some sun.  Aged over 40 and Celtic but still daft enough to sit in the baking sun ignoring the risks. But It has been cold, very cold and bloody cold here for 4 months, snow on the ground throughout that time.  Today does not herald Spring though as a storm warning is in force ... 15-25 cm of snow over the next 24 hours. Making the most of a lovely day, 15 foot from the piste.

I have 10 whole days off from work...and my brain has completed phase one of holiday transition "dreaming about all of the chaos, filing it in the right drawer whilst I sleep"; now I am in phase 2, too tired to do anything but wishing I was out doing stuff. Phase 3 usually kicks in around day 8 and sees me thinking " great, chilling out, let's go do stuff". Will have to back to work too soon...everyone knows that a holiday should be at least 2 weeks long.  Well everyone born on the right of the Atlantic that is.

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