Tuesday, 17 December 2013

White Stuff Continues To Fall From The Sky

A month has flown by and joy of joys our furniture arrived from the UK - that's 12 weeks door to door. Small person is loving finding his toys, despite being asked not to open every box.  He disappeared into the basement yesterday for an hour only to return with the game of Operation.  "Have you been unpacking down there?"  "No, I just found it" okay, so I asked him to show me where " it was in that box at the back, behind that big box, if you climb on here you can see inside it". Hmmmm

Gary has purchased a stud finder, which is a DIY tool not a dating website.  Don't worry landlord...he likes to over engineer hanging our pictures.  He's usually right about this stuff.

Over the last month we have explored on foot (no car...pesky finance rules) and found an awesome. ( translation to British of awesome is good)  spa that offers a fabulous massage.  Went there after a slide on the ice left me crooked.  The Dollarama is still Small persons favourite store, so much so that a gift card might be coming from Santa.  And Small persons party this weekend, at a local art store franchise, was a huge hit.  10 kids, fimo and a plate of wotsits...it had all the elements of a great afternoon avoiding snow.

Saw Santa this weekend, he says hi. I was telling the kids at the party that we were off to see Santa the next day.  2 of them told me that Santa is fake.  What is that about? These kids were 5 and 6 years old.  Stewie was confused by this and many questions followed.  I clarified the situation "these kids were obviously on the naughty list so got no presents last year".  The truth is out there.  Happy Holidays!


  1. Brrrrr...... so you will be having a white Christmas then. Loving your stories of your new life and Stewie's naivety about finding Operation! Have a wonderful Christmas and I wonder what other new things you will learn? How sad that so many children are on the naughty list - innocence lost so soon. Luckily my 9 year old granddaughter is still high on his list and we saw the most magic father Christmas last week. She told him about her elderly cat who flicks snot. FC asked if he was really an elf as he has an elf who wipes snot on the seat of his chair, then sniggers behind his back when he gets it on his trousers when he sits down!

  2. I'll tell Stewie about the snot elf! He'll love that. Merry Christmas
