Yay! On holiday as a family for the first time in forever. Leaving for the airport in an hour for the short hop to Seattle where we have rented a tiny house on Airbnb. We have 2 full days in Seattle over Independence Day then it's onto a cruise ship for a week of adventures - we get to visit Canada on the cruise...can't wait. Packing is very methodical chez Fiona. I boss everyone around and they either go with that or put up futile resistance. I think we have packed it all but we always forget one thing which we only discover when it is too late.
I tried to pack light but I think we will visit climate changes from Scorcio to soggy. Small person gets to pick three stuffies to take on the adventure. My money's on Georgie the Monkey who got lost last year and then arrived home like new in the post some weeks later. Yesterday small person revealed to me that he knows is not the same Georgie " I call it Georgie 2". The innocence is ebbing away.
When I say I tried to pack light I don't include my wheely case full of wool, acrylic paint, paper and Gouache...I am allowed to take what I want...others sacrifice their weight allowance. We are trying to go internet free but apparently we need to take a laptop and an iPad so that we can watch movies. My plan for the cruise is rest, exercise, paint, read. My husband will do that too, sans paint.
Small person has announced that he "just wants to hang out in the pool and relax" which sees us sighing as that will involve effort on our part too. Hopefully the kids club will be so awesome that we get an hour or two each day to do nothing. Small person is planning late nights as the kids clubs closes at 10.30. He has been practicing "fancy eating" after we told him that cruises are posh. It involves eating with his mouth closed and taking the food to his face not his face to the plate. Despite his best efforts I imagine we won't be eating in a smart restaurant...he is not public friendly at the moment...loud and wriggley.
Taxi beckons.
Happy holidays!
Have a great holiday and some time for yourself