Sunday, 5 October 2014

Slowing down to winter.

The autumn is truely upon us. There is a nip in the air and the trees...well this is Canada, so imagine the national flag and you get some idea of how red the leaves can be. There is also orange like fire and amazing yellows that are almost primary.  So beautiful.  I love how earlier this week small person remarked " wow, the trees are so beautiful" and then was in awe again as he road to school through inch deep paths of yellow leaves.  The space here seems to make the colours look more striking...there are just so many trees that there are miles of red rather then yards.

I have the house to myself for a few hours as the guys have gone out in search of a bike trail, small person now being proficient on his two wheeler.  My husband likens it to when you first drive a car alone...the independence to move around, the excitement.  Small person loves his bike.  So what to do with my peaceful few hours...this clearly, and hoovering and experimenting with bulgar wheat for a shepherds pie later.  Although it's probably better called arable farmer pie...I have great hopes for the recipe as I try to eat more rounded meals rather than being the veggie who eats the side dishes.

I had my annual medical on Friday, which I remind myself is a benefit but it feels very intrusive.  I took 4 hours in all.  They took blood, swabbed stuff, checked my hearing, sight and breathing, made me run on a treadmill, gave me a tetnus shot.  I had to go 12 hours prior without food which tied to my Go Sober for October efforts meant that by time I made it back to office I had the headache from hell. Straight into a call to be trained on how to use an inbox ticket tracking system.  Blimey that was a long day.  I arrived home to find that they guys had gotten themselves dinner, at Wendy's where small person had allegedly had a triple burger and fries.  That's a lot of meat for a six year old, even with his hearty appetite.

So, slowing down?  I need to.  In the last week I have arrived at work running, have sat on a phone for 7 hours with the occasional emergency dash to go pee.  I have been shouted at, ignored, listened to, chastised, praised, spoken down to, applauded, and I have heard and spoken a good few profanities.  Is it always like this in my virtual work world? Not so much although a great friend observed that it is becoming the new normal.  So I guess it falls to me to control what I can, change what I can and avoid getting overwhelmed by it all.  I remarked to my husband earlier that I shattered  this weekend and, as he does, he pointed out the obvious..." You were at work till 8 every night this week, it's not surprising".

So when I had my medical the Dr quizzed me about worklifebalance and I told her that I have a good thing going...I work part time, I get to spend time with small person and my husband, I have no commute.  Sweet.  But that's not true this week...and whilst the job is very important as it pays the bills it's not the most unpaid fun I could be, with some effort I am sure, October sees me slowing down into winter rather than running like a crazy person, snapping at my family and eating Cheetos for lunch.

Happy October

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