Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Happy New Year

I love New Year, the season not the party party part.  Never a fan of social gatherings New Years Eve is my introvert hell.  Forced to go out, and stay out for hours. You can't call it a night and slope of home early without people thinking you are an alien.  It's great in movies but in real life it has always felt like a night at the pub that went on 2 hours too long.  Not a problem these days though, as having a kid is the best excuse to stay in at the end of December.

Two of my dearest but long lost friends have their birthdays on New Years Eve. They both used to share stories of being forgotten rather than celebrated....too much party spirit to notice they wanted a party.  As you can tell December is far from being my favorite month.  I have a genuine physical reaction to all of the "joy and wonder".  December sees me having to consciously manage my health for fear of slipping downwards.  My black dog, as Winston would say.

But that's why I love New year! because it is the start of the journey! the possibilities! the adventures.  Horticulturally I can start to plan my veggies,. Thinking beans, cucumbers, tomatoes  and lettuce.  Its not clear yet if that will be in the tiny back yard or in a comunity garden.  Fingers crossed for the later.  Crossed extra tight.

A few years back I took an online course called big-dreams-small-wonders.  I needed some motivation to redirect my life.  I had lots of ideas but everything seemed impossible.  Like many people I was happy enough but not content.  It felt too easy to just carry on in the same routine.  I don't mind routine in small measures, but the idea of thinking big was inviting.  The course helped me work out what I wanted in my life and what I could happily let go of. I dreamt of a move abroad, for adventure and working through the course helped me go from "that happens to other people" to  "I want to do that.  I will do that". And I did.

The course is hosted by my friend Louise.  We worked together 10 years ago.  When she left I got her desk. I sat in her chair and I saw the view from the window that she saw...not sure if that was inspiration to live life, or a desire not to spend years staring at a 1960s block of flats in West Croydon.  There are people who talk about doing stuff and there are people who DO stuff.  Louise is my inspiration to do the latter.

So, starting Monday, I am taking the course again.  It's fun and helps me to focus on what I want to do rather than being carried through life on a cloud of "busy, coffee and wine".  I see wine in my future though, let's not be ridiculous here.  But it's too easy to get tied up in busy stuff and forget yourself. And my husband wants me to visualize getting him a Land Rover Discovery..." You got us to Canada, now we need a car"

1 comment:

  1. I love January too Fiona, the idea of daylight getting longer and first signs of new growth braving the wet cold soil lifts my spirits and makes me think of better things to come. Good luck with growing your seeds, and with big-dreams-small-wonders. Beautifully written, and you too are an inspiration with your move to Canada. Don't forget to put a Discovery on your vision board a long with the buttons! ;)
