We've been here for 1/3 of a year now. A pulse survey was issued last night to assess the mood in the camp. Three sections, free text responses. Participation was optional but encouraged, then a rumour went around that 100% participation was expected and the mood changed to one of compliance. The surveys covered:
- Things that I like/love about Canada
- Things that are annoying in Canada
- Things that "grind my gears" in Canada
When the survey closed participation was at 100%. I put this down to enthusiasm, engagement but mainly because all partcipants had to put up with me standing over them threateningly until they completed the survey. Early analysis shows a trend towards snow and snow related matters, although I am advised that the results are not scientifically significant, unlike the snow, which is everywhere.
Results are below and completely anonymous so that no one can ever tell who said what:
Things that I like/love about Canada
- The weather, scenery, elements, space, walking around,
- Snow
- Not working nights
- Cheap travel to the city
- The city
- Watching the small person play in the snow (learning to play)
- "Christmas, because there was no school"
- "Weekends, when we go somewhere"
- Bayblades
- Mummy shouting at me
- Not having a car
- Not working
- The boredom
- Not enough salt on the pavements
- Too much salt in the food (none left for the pavements I guess)
- Snow
- Cars turning right on a red regardless
- Letting the kids watch TV at school lunchtime
- nil
- nothing yet
- The Ghost ride at SnoopyLand...oh, and all rollercoasters!
So analysis tells us that the one with the job would like more time away from work. The one without the job wants to go to work. The one that gets all of the attention wants more attention and everyone wants a car.
Action planning is now in place, to buy a car and to go somewhere at weekends. Snow is predicted for the next 40 days so additional tunnel digging is being discussed. A snow man may appear at some point, although it remains the wrong type of snow for now. Tickets to Snoopyland have been purchased, but we won't be going on the ghost ride - no way.