Monday, 12 December 2016

C is for Cats, and Christmas and Complicated

Sitting watching one of the cats exploring the Christmas tree.  It's past their bed time as by now they usually would have trotted down to the basement to eat their dinner. Who said cats can't be trained? But I don't do feeding, I was away when the cat related jobs were dished out. Husband got feeding, small person got cuddling and playing and I got poo and puke. I have enquired as to whether I can appeal but it seems not, so long as 2/3 of the group are happy with their roles the status quo remains..

But these guys need feeding as hubby is out at the second of 3 Christmas "do's". Something you don't get to go to when you work from home as there is no one to "do" with.  Not a huge drama as I'm not a fan of social events but it has been interesting to see lots of happy faces on twitter having lunches and parties. It has made me see how virtual my life is some weeks.  Work remains busy as those seasonal lulls don't seems to happen these days but I am looking forward to a few days off over Christmas.

There is around 6" of snow outside but it's minus 1 so mild for the time of year I guess. Small person had the day off school because it was very snowy first thing and I am a soft touch when he gets stroppy. He spent the morning watching tv before, at 1pm, realizing his friends were off school too, and then spent over 3 hours playing out in the snow. My theory is that kids are kids for a short while so they should have fun and play. You get to be a grown up for a long while, have fun whilst you can.

I'm stuck in limbo over this immigration issue...we need to get residency but because I put the wrong papers in we were sent down a snake back to square one and then the rules changed. They work out your points differently now and so now we get nix for having jobs here and being educated overseas. We are waiting to see if we can apply, paying hundreds to get someone to validate my qualifications which is both annoying and insulting.  We are hoping that my work can help, but that seems to have paused as folks discuss costs. All the motivation in the world can drain away fast when someone argues your life in a country over a few thousand dollars.  On a positive we know we are here for the next 18 months but we don't want to leave and we are a good deal.  We work hard, we give back...its tough in limbo.  I want to paint a wall; buy a house with big windows; plant a tree.  But you can't do that in limbo. It's not possible.

So I set a happy plan in motion- take a month off in the summer, have a rest, paint, visits lakes, spend time with family. Seems that that is asking too much also. Too valuable for that much time off, not valuable enough to retain here.  It's amazing how complicated things get when you move abroad and how silly and bureaucratic things can be, so much can be lost but for some common sense.

Oh well, 🐱 🐱 need food and there's poop to scoop
Until the next time