Sunday, 21 June 2015

Shrimps eh!

We were discussing dinner earlier and agreed that we should get the shrimps out of the freezer...without hesitation or translations we both said shrimps. We are assimilating and neither of us felt the need to say Prawns.  My husband realized what had happened and tried to argue that shrimps are larger than prawns so it wasn't a language thing but a anthropological thing. Nice try but no.  We are adapting.

But it works both ways. When I dropped small person at art class yesterday the owner told me to collect him at "harf past"...ha, I called her on it " you spoke English!" She laughed and said " I know, I hoped no one noticed eh!"

Small person and his little friend are upstairs playing lego something on the Xbox.  When I was a kid we didn't need a tv to play lego, we just built with our hands. They played Just Dance earlier.  I was in the kitchen cooking but it's all open plan.  The computer spotted me and added me to the game.  I'm not a great cook but when their game ended I had won!  They were indignant.  I guess my tuna pasta beat their One Direction best song ever.

Fathers Day today so small person and I made an effigy of daddy in pancakes, with maple syrup eyes.  Full concentration, tongue out as small person crafted the hair and nose. Then after breakfast daddy went out shopping...his best treat to be free of us for a few hours.  Small person was not impressed as in his head we should be doing " a fun family thing" all together. But as we are off on holiday in 10 days we need to save our pennies so as daddy has the car we cycled to the local froghurt shop and ate mountains of watery froghurt then cycled home.  I'm hoping the effort burnt off the calories but I doubt it.

I'm off to USA tomorrow for the week ( what happened in my life to make that statement not exciting ?). I guess I grew up, a bit. Anyhow the garden needed attention unless I wanted to return to a jungle, so weed whacking and strimming took place. Small person offered to help water the plants.  I nervously agreed and told him just to use the settings of Shower or Mist. "Not jet?" No, not jet.

Then I went to the front garden to tidy that ( another assimilation Canada it's all about kerb appeal. Everyone in our street has a pristine front garden so I comply with that norm.) When I go back to the back yard the fences are dark brown and dripping, the trees are dripping and a small person stands angelic with the hose on Shower. "did you use the jet spray?" No Mom, you said no Jet!  The face of an angel...with a twinkle in his eyes that confessed "I just blasted everything!"

When daddy gets back with the car I'm off out to buy orthotics...a damaged ankle and tendons see me hobbling every morning and sitting with my foot in a bag of ice every night. Birkenstocks are in my immediate future, then clumpy lace ups.  I have agreed to complete that "couch to 5k" app and have gotten as far as downloading the app...need to get some proper shoes so that it doesn't turn into couch to wheelchair in 2 weeks.

Happy Sunday, Happy Fathers Day especially to my dad who is in the wars at the moment. Thinking of you.